Titus Albucius

Titus Albucius, (praetor c. 105 BC) was a noted orator of the late Roman Republic.

He finished his studies at Athens at the latter end of the 2nd century BC, and belonged to the Epicurean sect. He was well acquainted with Greek literature, or rather, says Cicero, was almost a Greek.[1] On account of his affecting on every occasion the Greek language and philosophy, he was satirized by Lucilius, whose lines upon him are preserved by Cicero;[2] and Cicero himself speaks of him as a light-minded man. He accused, but unsuccessfully, Mucius Scaevola, the augur, of maladministration (repetundae) in his province.[3] In 105 BC Albucius was praetor in Sardinia, and in consequence of some insignificant success which he had gained over some robbers, he celebrated a triumph in the province. On his return to Rome, he applied to the Senate for the honour of a supplicatio, but this was refused, and he was accused in 103 BC of repetundae by Gaius Julius Caesar (the elder), and condemned. Pompeius Strabo had offered himself as the accuser, but he was not allowed to conduct the prosecution, because he had been the quaestor of Albucius.[4] After his condemnation, he went into exile at Athens and pursued the study of philosophy.[5] He left behind him some orations, which had been read by Cicero.[1]

Orations of Albucius was translated from the Latin by the novelist Pascal Quignard in 1990.[6]

See also


  1. ^ a b Cicero, Brut. 35.
  2. ^ Cicero, de Fin. i. 3
  3. ^ Cicero, Brut. 26, De Orat. ii. 70.
  4. ^ Cicero, De Prov. Cons. 7, in Pison. 38, Div. in Caecil. 19, de Off. ii. 14.
  5. ^ Cicero, Tusculanae Quaestiones v. 37; Gordon P. Kelly, A History of Exile in the Roman Republic (Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 175 online.
  6. ^ Quignard, Pascal. Albucius. Venice CA: Lapsis Press, 1992.

This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by William Smith (1870).